Posts tagged with "acceptance"

Living with an Open Heart:  Embracing Vulnerability, Empathy, and Connection
Mind · 29. March 2023
Living with an open-heart means embracing life with curiosity, vulnerability, and compassion. It means being willing to take risks, make mistakes, and learn from them. It means accepting ourselves and others for who we truly are, without judgment or prejudice.

Darkness – Integrating the Shadow Self
Mind · 18. February 2023
Repressed thoughts, desires, instincts and fears are often part of the subconscious mind. Holding back the own darkness feeds an inner conflict and consumes plenty of energy.

Intimacy - Getting Close
Mind · 17. February 2023
Building intimate relationships is similar to constructing a house. The base needs to be strong and stable.

Social Acceptance
Mind · 16. February 2023
To experience emotional safety people need to feel accepted for who they truly are.

Mind · 16. February 2023
Life isn`t eternal sunshine. We all face times of anger, sadness, anxiety and frustrations. The question is how do we respond to those emotions followed by uncomfortable thoughts?

Mind · 15. February 2023
Respect means accepting somebody for who they are.

Emotional Safety
Mind · 15. February 2023
Being open, vulnerable and showing your authenic self requires an emotional safe relationship.

Intimacy – Connecting Consciously
Mind · 15. February 2023
For me intimacy means experiencing a strong connection with others through either body, mind, heart and/or soul.